Wednesday 22 April 2009

Pupils' Response 14 - Earth Day

Earth Day is important to me, because Earth is my home planet and I love Earth a lot. Without the Earth, all living things will die. So, we must protect the Earth and the living things on it.

The Earth is dying because human beings are destroying it slowly, over many, many years. We are over-using the Earth's resources and not allowing it to renew fast enough. We are also polluting the environment and the air around us. That's why we have to "save the Earth" by stopping all the polluting and littering.

When we recycle, we make new things out of old things. This means that with the same amount of material used, we can do many more things with it. For example, trees are cut to make paper. After using the paper, we can recycle and make more paper. This means we do not have to cut down more trees. When we reuse, we make use of the same thing again and not waste it by throwing it away. For example, plastic bags can be reused again. Water for bathing can be used for watering plants or washing toilets. When we reduce the amount of electricity we use, we use less and save resources.

For "Earth Day", my family and I can try to use less electricity and water. We can also use hand-powered torchlights to find our way around the house. We can have fun and save the Earth as well!

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