Saturday 4 April 2009

6 lessons from the book "The Smart Surfers'

1) The first lessson: You should not use another person's E-mail account without permission, you should not read other peoples' E-mail and you should not spam other peoples' E-mail.

2) The second lesson: You should study hard for your exams, not cheat and you shouldn't believe websites that teach you to cheat.

3) The third lesson: You shoudn't copy things from the internet that are copyrighted. You should also use original software.

4) The fourth lesson: You should not engage in cyberbullying such as using vulgar words or words that will hurt other people.

5) The fifth lesson: You should not get addicted to video games. For example: when you get a game to play with, you shouldn't keep playing until you fall asleep in class or fail your exams.

6) The sixth lesson: You should divulge too much detailed information of your family and you on the internet. Don't make friends with strangers on the internet.

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