Friday 13 March 2009

Pupils' Response 9-Track and Field Day

I did not attend Anderson Primary School's Sports Day because I was tired and wanted to stay at home. Sports Day would be more interesting if the spectators could participate in some activities. Most of the time, we can only cheer for the students who represent our teams. After a while, it becomes boring just sitting there.

I think engaging in sports is important and useful. Our bodies need some exercise to be healthier. It is also fun because we can try all sorts of different things. My parents say that we should not just stay at home all day and study or play with computer games or the xBox or our DS Lites. It is important to get the body moving and also to get some sun.

I wrote about the sports I engage in when I wrote the blog on "Outside School Activities". Every Monday and Thursday nights, my elder brother and I attend Taekwondo training. We have attained Poom belt status. It is the junior black belt for those who are under 15 years old. When we reach 15 years old, we can take the grading exam to get the adult black belt. We enjoy going for Taekwondo lessons on Thursdays because we get to do more sparring and practise our kicks. We also like being treated with respect because we are now more senior than most of the students. I hope to continue to improve so that I can join competitions soon.

We attended in-line skating lessons in February every weekend. This was fun. We have stopped the lessons for a month so that we can practise on our own before attending the higher level lessons to learn new tricks. I can skate on my own now, but I hope to get more stable and confident. I like the feeling of being on wheels, although I don't like to fall. I fell once and hurt my tail-bone. It was painful for quite a few days.

Daddy also brings us kayaking sometimes. My elder brother and I take turns kayaking with Daddy. The first time I tried it, I was afraid because I couldn't swim then, but Daddy encouraged me and I liked it after that. Sometimes, the shop-keeper gets lightning warnings, and we cannot rent the kayak and go out kayaking because it is dangerous. We have to wait for the lightning warning period to be over first.

Daddy also plays badminton with us sometimes when we go to my grandfather's house. We are still not very good at it.

I attend swimming CCA on Fridays. Mummy sometimes brings us to the pool at our condo for us to swim as well. I like to swim with my brother. I hope to get better at swimming so that I can swim laps to show Mummy. She says it's important for us to learn swimming so that she has 4 people to save her if she is in danger of drowning because she can't swim.

I think our school is doing some things to encourage us to participate in sports. I like how our P.E. lessons have lessons for different sports. This is how I learnt more about in-line skating and wanted to learn more after the P.E. lessons stopped. Maybe the school can also get discounts for some sports for us. For example, if the school can get discounts for in-line skating gear and lessons, or for swimming coaches, etc, more people will find it easier to try out different types of sports.

1 comment:

Steph said...

It's good both you and Kor Kor remember what I say about saving me cos I can't swim! :)