Friday 24 July 2009

Cyberwellness 2 - Handling Inappropriate Content

1) -I have ever seen something online that made me feel afraid, uncomfortable or excited and yet guilty because I sensed that it was wrong. I went to a website accidentally that shows disgusting things and shows the "F" word.

2) - I would go to another website straight away.
3) - I should go to another website straight away.

Thursday 16 July 2009

Cyberwellness 1 - Cyber Addiction (Pupils' Response)

My favourite computer game is from facebook and is called Restaurant City.I usually play computer games only on weekends and only play it for 45 minutes altogether a day. I can prevent Cyber Addiction by not playing games everyday play them on weekends only or 3 days a week only.

I would advice my friend who is a game addict to stop playing games everyday and when we are almost going to take examinations. Play games only when he has finished his homework and on weekends after examinations.

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Pupils' Response 19 - Effects of Preventive Measures on Pupils

I think that temperature-taking is good and fun but, no assembly in the hall, cancellation of remedial lessons, CCA and other activities is not fun at all and we won't learn anything more. Without high achievers, my results have dropped.

I find the school less interesting now because we don't have assembly and don't learn anything more.My relationship with my friends and teachers aren't affected. I do assessments, watch TV and take naps.

Monday 6 July 2009

Our Family Trip to Chiangmai

During the school holidays, my family and I went to ChiangMai. I was very excited as I thought that it would be cooler and we would be going with my cousins' family too . We got to sit on private buggies to get to the boarding gate. At Jet Quay terminal, we were treated like V.I.Ps. We got to sit on OSIM massage chairs and also had snacks and drinks served to us.

During the flight to ChiangMai, my brother and I played with our DS Lites. This time, we did not puke like the trip to Japan because Mummy made us take airsick pills. When we reached Chiangmai, we had to queue up to clear immigration. After that we went to collect our luggage.

A coach was waiting for us when we cleared customs. It took us to Shangri-la Hotel where we were welcomed with cocktail drinks and wet towels. My brother and I shared a room with my Grandpa and cousin. We went for lunch and did some shopping after that. Mummy bought us new shoes which we wore immediately. We also played games at an arcade and bought mango sticky rice. Their mango sticky rice was delicious! That night, we went for a Khantoke dinner which was their traditional Thai dinner with people dancing and performing throughout the meal.

The next day, we went to a temple on top of a hill. I took many pictures there. There were many rows of bells. The guide told us that people ring the bells for good luck and blessings. I rang the bells one by one. Then, we went for lunch at a restaurant called "Mushroom Suki". The restaurant served many different types of mushrooms.
We went to the Saa Paper Factory after lunch to see how people made the paper from tree bark. We tried to pound the bark. It was all done by people and not machines. They made umbrellas, fans and many things from the paper. We wanted to do some umbrella painting after that but the artists did such a good job of painting the pictures, so we asked Auntie Gerri to pay them to draw the pictures for us. We each chose an umbrella and a picture for the artist to paint. That night, we went for dinner at a traditional thai restaurant next to a river. The food was good.

On the third day, we went to Chiangrai. On the way to Chiangrai, we watched a few Thai shows on DVD. Although they didn't have subtitles, we were able to understand them because they had simple stories. They were all very funny. When we reached Chiangrai, we went to the white temple. We went to the coffee shop nearby to eat lunch. Mummy bought many packets of pig skin. The whole family shared 1 packet during lunch and it was very good! But Mummy said we shouldn't eat too much of it because it's too fattening and unhealthy. After that, we went to the opium museum in the golden triangle. It was very educational and interesting to learn about the history of opium and how people were addicted to it like a drug. The guide told us that it is now illegal and the people who used to be part of the illegal work were all given new jobs to help them do legal work.

We went to the border town between Myanmar and Thailand after that, but Daddy stayed on the coach because my younger brother was asleep. We walked around and took some photos. Mummy bought some t-shirts for all of us. For dinner, we were so tired, we ordered room service.
The next day, we went to see tigers. We ate at the restaurant there. After lunch, we went to the long neck village. We had to go in a pick-up truck because the coach was too big to take us up to the village. We saw women with the brass rings around their necks. The guide said they didn't really have long necks. They looked that way because the rings pushed their shoulders down over time. We took many photos.

We went Go-Karting after that. I fell many times but I was brave enough to continue, but I had to stop after I crashed and overturned while racing with my cousin, brother and Daddy. I cried because I got a giant cut on my arm, many painful scratches and also injured my left hand and wrist. It was fun, though.

On the last day, we went shopping, had lunch and went to the airport. We had to
queue up to clear immigration. Then we boarded the aeroplane. Back at the Singapore airport, we were welcomed by buggies that brought us back to Jet Quay terminal to wait for our luggage to be collected for us.

We were very happy to be back home. We came back with many souvenirs, toys and snacks. My older brother and I slept until 12pm the next day!

Sunday 5 July 2009

Pupils' Response 18 - SA1 Results

The SA1 papers have tested us fairly.
All the papers were about the work we did with our teachers.
I don't think I did well this semester because I did not work hard enough. I feel I could have done better.
I think the enrichment classes in school were useful, but I think I would like more homework so that I can have more practice.
I don't have home tuition, but my Mummy helps me in my work. I did not cooperate with her this semester, so Mummy said she would leave me to see if I could get good results by myself. I would like Mummy to continue helping me so that I know my mistakes and can improve.
I will work harder and pay more attention to my homework. I will also do more assessments for my Mummy to check. I must also tell myself not to be too proud of my previous results and to continue to work hard.
I would like more practice and worksheets so that I can do better.

Pupils' Response 17 - H1N1 Flu

Influenza A - H1N1 is a kind of flu that people also call swine flu.
Influenza A - H1N1 is spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing by people with influenza A- H1N1. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something with influenza A germs on it and then touching their mouth,eyes or nose.
Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, China, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, India and Vietnam are the asian countries that are affected .
They can check for imported cases at the airports and other immigration checkpoints to quarantine cases before they come into contact with the locals. If there is local spread, they can educate people and ask them to be more responsible.
I think the taking of temperature is effective in preventing Influenza A H1N1, because when people know their temperatures, they will know whether they have a fever or not and can seek treatment quickly.
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the litter bin after you use it.
Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Hand sanitizers are also effective.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way.
Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
Stay home if you are sick for 7 days after your symptoms begin or until you have been symptom-free for 24 hours, whichever is longer. This is to keep from infecting others and spreading the virus further.

A) 5 things I know or learnt about H1N1 flu.
1. U.S.A has the most cases of H1N1 flu
2. U.S.A also has the most number of deaths caused by H1N1 flu.
3. Singapore has 1003 cases of H1N1 flu.
4. Indonesia has the least number of cases.
5. H1N1 flu started in Mexico.

B)5 things I learnt from the 3 videos.
1. The correct way to wash our hands.
2. Do not eat food that you had dropped on the floor.
3. Wash our hands before eating.
4. Do not share food with others using the same fork or spoon.
5. We must wash our hands after playing in the playground.