Sunday 29 March 2009

My Mummy

My mummy is the nicest person I know in my family. She took care of us when we were sick like when we had stomach flu.She took us to the doctor when we had the symptoms of stomach flu. She took care of us until she herself got stomach flu.She stayed with my younger brother in the hospital when he had stomach flu, I only got stomach flu after my 2 brothers got the illness. I love her a lot because she is very good to the whole family. She buys the things we want, she spends most of her time with the whole family and spends almost all her money on the things we want.

She likes "Doraemon" , acts like "Doraemon" and also looks like "Doraemon". She has a round face like "Doraemon". She likes "Doraemon" because "Doraemon" is cute and funny.

She is also a good cook. She knows how to cook delicious food like Curry chicken, curry fish, chicken rice, pizza, Cream of mushroom and kim chi pork. My favourites are Curry chicken, curry fish, chicken rice, cream of mushroom and kim chi pork. She usually cooks my favourite food.

My mother is also very cute. During the trip to Japan she bought a pair of mini-Minnie Mouse ears. When we came back from Japan, she wore it to let everybody in the house see how cute she was. She certainly was cute. Hehehe.

She likes to listen to music. Her favourite song is "Hold My Hand" by Michael Jackson and Akon. Her second favourite song is a Christian song called "
Just Let Me Say". My mother likes to go for karaoke although she doesn't go very often.

If you like to know what "Hold My Hand" sounds like, you can go to the bottom of my blog to listen to the song.

She likes to watch television. Her favourtie shows are "The Ellen Show", "Don't Forget The Lyrics" and "American Idol". She likes "The Ellen Show" because Ellen Degeneres is very funny and entertaining. My mother said that when she is 50, she hopes she still has her good sense of humour. She likes "Don't
Forget The Lyrics" and "American Idol" because she likes to listen to music.

Monday 16 March 2009

School Holiday Fun - Puzzles

A) Spot the Difference Puzzle

What are the 10 differences you can spot?

  1. Top Picture - Left-most windows are Yellow; Bottom Picture - Left-most windows are White
  2. Top Picture - Right-most windows have 4 panels; Bottom Picture - Right-most windows have 6 panels
  3. Top Picture - Drawing has Bold Grey lines; Bottom Picture - Drawing has Black lines
  4. Top Picture - Palette has Orange paint; Bottom Picture - Palette has Purple paint
  5. Top Picture - Palette has Red paint; Bottom Picture - Palette has Blue paint
  6. Top Picture - Palette has Light Blue paint; Bottom Picture - Palette has Green paint
  7. Top Picture - Cap is Dark Blue; Bottom Picture - Cap is Lighter Blue
  8. Top Picture - Papers on the right-hand side, near windows; Bottom Picture - No paper
  9. Top Picture - Tomato is carrying Green Bag; Bottom Picture - Tomato is carrying Orange Bag
  10. Top Picture - Floor is Yellow colour; Bottom Picture - Floor is striped, with Yellow and Beige

B) The Message Puzzle
What are the 4 messages?
Message 1 - At First You Only See
Message 2 - Weird Shapes And Lines
Message 3 - Then Somebody Helps
Message 4 - And A Miracle Happens

Friday 13 March 2009

Pupils' Response 9-Track and Field Day

I did not attend Anderson Primary School's Sports Day because I was tired and wanted to stay at home. Sports Day would be more interesting if the spectators could participate in some activities. Most of the time, we can only cheer for the students who represent our teams. After a while, it becomes boring just sitting there.

I think engaging in sports is important and useful. Our bodies need some exercise to be healthier. It is also fun because we can try all sorts of different things. My parents say that we should not just stay at home all day and study or play with computer games or the xBox or our DS Lites. It is important to get the body moving and also to get some sun.

I wrote about the sports I engage in when I wrote the blog on "Outside School Activities". Every Monday and Thursday nights, my elder brother and I attend Taekwondo training. We have attained Poom belt status. It is the junior black belt for those who are under 15 years old. When we reach 15 years old, we can take the grading exam to get the adult black belt. We enjoy going for Taekwondo lessons on Thursdays because we get to do more sparring and practise our kicks. We also like being treated with respect because we are now more senior than most of the students. I hope to continue to improve so that I can join competitions soon.

We attended in-line skating lessons in February every weekend. This was fun. We have stopped the lessons for a month so that we can practise on our own before attending the higher level lessons to learn new tricks. I can skate on my own now, but I hope to get more stable and confident. I like the feeling of being on wheels, although I don't like to fall. I fell once and hurt my tail-bone. It was painful for quite a few days.

Daddy also brings us kayaking sometimes. My elder brother and I take turns kayaking with Daddy. The first time I tried it, I was afraid because I couldn't swim then, but Daddy encouraged me and I liked it after that. Sometimes, the shop-keeper gets lightning warnings, and we cannot rent the kayak and go out kayaking because it is dangerous. We have to wait for the lightning warning period to be over first.

Daddy also plays badminton with us sometimes when we go to my grandfather's house. We are still not very good at it.

I attend swimming CCA on Fridays. Mummy sometimes brings us to the pool at our condo for us to swim as well. I like to swim with my brother. I hope to get better at swimming so that I can swim laps to show Mummy. She says it's important for us to learn swimming so that she has 4 people to save her if she is in danger of drowning because she can't swim.

I think our school is doing some things to encourage us to participate in sports. I like how our P.E. lessons have lessons for different sports. This is how I learnt more about in-line skating and wanted to learn more after the P.E. lessons stopped. Maybe the school can also get discounts for some sports for us. For example, if the school can get discounts for in-line skating gear and lessons, or for swimming coaches, etc, more people will find it easier to try out different types of sports.

Friday 6 March 2009

History Of Singapore's Currency

All over the world, every country has its own currency. Below are some examples:

The orchid series which was issued between 1967-1976, has nine denominations. This first series of currency notes, has a spray of orchid in the centre of the front of each note. On the back of each note is a scene of Singapore.

The bird series also has nine denominations. It was the first series that included a $20 note.The $20 note was to replace the $25 note from the orchid series. The birds shown on the notes are noted for their strength, adaptability and independence which characterize the young Republic of Singapore with the potential of soaring to greater heights in its progress. Each note has a security thread embedded vertically across it. It was issued between 1976-1984.

The Ship series also has nine denominations. The denominations are similar except that the previous $20 note was discontinued and a new denomination of $2 note was introduced. The pictures are based on the modern development of Singapore. The series starts with the merchant maritime craft of olden days. The series shows the contribution of merchant shipping to the development of Singapore from an entrepot trading centre to the busiest port in the world. On the front centre panel are creatures from Chinese mythology printed in colour lithographic offset prints. Each note has a security thread embedded vertically across it. The orchid featured on the back of all the Ship series notes is the national flower of Singapore, Vanda Miss Joaquim. It was issued between 1984 - 1999.

The Portrait series only has seven denominations. The Portrait series has to strike a balance between simplicity and clarity in design on one hand and sophistication in security features on the other. At the same time the public-recognition security features must be effective and easy for users to recognise and remember. To help meet these requirements, a standard designing approach was adopted across all denominations of the Portrait series. The portrait series was issued from 1999 until now. I like this series most of all. Mummy says she also likes this series most because they are very colourful. She also likes the new polymer notes that feel like plastic.

For more information, go to the MAS website. I especially liked the section on "Distinguishing Counterfeit Notes".

Click on any of the words MAS to go to the MAS website.

Thursday 5 March 2009

Pupils' Response 8-Fire Safety

Fires can happen anywhere for different reasons. Sometimes, fires are caused by human beings because we can be careless. Some people set fires purposefully, for example, the Indonesian farmers set fires to burn down trees and plants to create a new piece of land for farming. Some people set other people's property on fire. This is called 'arson'. Sometimes, fires are caused by natural things, eg. lightning that strikes a tree can start a fire. Extremely dry and hot weather in Australia sometimes causes the dried up brush to catch fire. These are called 'bush fires'.

So, fire safety and knowing what to do when a fire occurs is very important. The Fire Safety Bureau (FSB) controls fire safety in all buildings in Singapore. It makes sure that all buildings have smoke-free passageways to exits, fire alarms to warn everyone in the building and fire fighting appliances, such as fire extinguishers.
Sometimes fires can be helpful/useful. For example, fire for cooking can be helpful. It can help you to cook food like chicken, fish or porridge, etc. This also means fire safety starts at home. When you cook, you should watch the fire and not leave it unattended.

Call the 995 if there's a fire or when you need an ambulance. Call 1800 280 0000 when you need Fire Safety Consultation/Advice.

It is also very important to know how to evacuate a place when a fire starts/occurs. This is why most buildings have fire drills to practise evacuating from a building. In this way, if a real fire occurs/starts, you know what to do! This is why my school, Anderson Primary School also practises fire safety. We have fire drills twice a year. During each fire drill, the bell will ring for a very long time to signal the beginning of the fire drill. Everyone has to assemble in the field according to our classes in an orderly manner.

If a fire breaks out in my house, I will try to use water to put it out if it is a small one. If it is a big one, the fire alarm in my house will go off. I will try to escape through the front door if I can, and run down the stairs. We should not use the lifts if there is a fire in case the lifts stop and we get burnt inside the lift. I live on the 2nd floor so it is easy for me to get to the 1st floor to escape.

You can download information about what to do during an emergency or a fire from the SCDF website.